Uri - Sed 3 Pro
Manufacture by 77 Elektronika
URISED 3 PRO is an automated urine sediment analyzer with a revolutionary new optical system combining BRIGHT-FIELD and PHASE-CONTRAST MICROSCOPY
- Reliable, fast workflow, and shorter turnaround time with its advanced visualization and recognition through automation of traditional gold standard method of sediment analysis
- It captures multiple images of each sample through a built-in microscope, and evaluates using the Artificial Intelligence-based Evaluation Module (AIEM),
- Fully automated measurement process:150 tests/hour throughput
URISED 3 PRO is an automated urine sediment analyzer with a revolutionary new optical system combining BRIGHT-FIELD and PHASE-CONTRAST MICROSCOPY
- Reliable, fast workflow, and shorter turnaround time with its advanced visualization and recognition through automation of traditional gold standard method of sediment analysis
- It captures multiple images of each sample through a built-in microscope, and evaluates using the Artificial Intelligence-based Evaluation Module (AIEM),
- Fully automated measurement process:150 tests/hour throughput
- Real-time display of a view-field of the cuvette to see even moving microorganisms. No more need for any manual microscopy validation
- The only consumable is the URISED CUVETTE, No need for liquid reagents or calibrator
- Improved consumable traceability: RFID-based cuvette and rack identification
- Fully automated sample preparation requiring only low sample volume, just 2 ml of urine
- Automated QC analysis and maintenance procedures
- Can be Integrated into laboratory or hospital information systems
- The URISED PRO urine sediment analyzer is a stand-alone instrument, which can be connected to the LABUMAT 2 urine chemistry analyzer. Together, the two instruments make a complete urine laboratory system.
Model Name: URISED 3 PRO
Manufacturer: 77 Elektronika Kft
Origin: Hungary
Configuration: Table-top
Operation: Fully-automated
Warranty Period: One (1) year. Except for defects arising out of abuse and misuse of instrument
Technology: Digital Imaging | UriSed Technology, cuvette-based imaging using BRIGHT-FIELD and PHASE CONTRAST MICROSCOPY.
Automatic and reliable image evaluation software, Artificial Intelligence-based Evaluation Module (AIEM)
Throughput: Up to 150 tests/hour | Batch size: 100 test tubes
Consumable: UriSed cuvette, with RFID tag
Auto-detected particles (12): RBC; WBC, WBCc; (HYA); PAT; EPI; NEC; BACc, BACr; YEA; CRY: CaOxm, CaOxd, URI, TRI; MUC; SPRM; AMO
Min. sample volume: 2.0 ml (checked by liquid level sensor)
Magnification: Zoomable HPF-like images
Specificities and sensitivities of urine detection and classification: >80% at high precision with no carryover
Dimensions: 600 x 517 x 644 mm (WDH, without PC) | Weight: 63 kg (without PC)